During World War II when patriotism ran high, Miss Scott, a particularly intolerant schoolteacher, expelled my two sisters and one of my brothers from school. Why? Because they declined to salute the flag. Then she contacted my schoolteacher and urged her to expel me. But my teacher said, “We live in a free country, and we have the right to refrain from patriotic ceremonies.” Despite much pressure from Miss Scott, my teacher said firmly, “This is my decision.
Miss Scott replied: “No, it is not your decision. I will report you if you don’t expel Melita.” My teacher explained to my parents that if she wanted to keep her job, she had no choice but to expel me, even though she believed that it was the wrong thing to do."
Interesting. She got expelled from school because she didn't do what the school teachers wanted her to do. I wonder what other organization expels you if you don't do what they want.